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The Quality of Mercy


Ná haar bekroonde romans The Theory of Flight en The History of Man, is Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu se The Quality of Mercy ‘n roman oor vertroosting en veral genade. Ndlovu verweef elemente van sosiale komedie en gemaksmisdaad terwyl sy die geskiedenis betrag van ’n land se oorgang vanaf ’n koloniale na ’n postkoloniale staat. Haar betrokke karakters kruis mekaar se lewens op genoeglike en aangrypende maniere. Hier kan die bande van verwantskap en affiliasie nooit volledige gebreek word nie.

Following her award-winning novels The Theory of Flight and The History of Man, Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu’s The Quality of Mercy is a novel of comfort and, indeed, mercy. Ndlovu weaves together elements of social comedy and cosy crime while examining the history of a country transitioning from a colonial to a postcolonial state. Her cast of engaging characters crisscrosses each other’s lives in delightful and poignant ways. Here, the ties of kinship and affiliation can never be completely broken.

Met Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu, Irikidzaye Manase (gespreksleier)
Taal English
Tydsduur 60 min
Prys R30 | R35 by die deur


The Quality of Mercy