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DROOMLAND - Solo-KlavierKonsert

DROOMLAND - Solo-KlavierKonsert

DROOMLAND - Solo-KlavierKonsert

05 Oct 2022 10:00


Vir die laaste 12 jaar is DuPreez Strauss mede-musiekregisseur en orkesdirigent vir Disney se “The Lion King” Musical in 8 lande. Hierdie teaterstuk is amptelik die suksesvolste kunswerk van alle tye, in enige medium (wat beteken dis ver groter as enige sanger of film nog ooit). Vir DuPreez is die wonderwêrk van Disney se sukses dat dit mense se lewens al vir byna 100 jaar ten goede verander - met positiewe, opbouende en gesonde inhoud. Kom beleef jou gunsteling kinder-herinneringe op ‘n heel nuwe manier met klavierinterpretasies en Afrikaanse storievertelling van wêreldklas, insluitend “Circle of Life” (The Lion King), “Let It Go” (Frozen), “A Whole New World” (Aladdin).

For the last 12 years DuPreez Strauss has been Associate Music Director and Orchestra Conductor of Disney’s “The Lion King” Musical in 8 countries - and counting. This theatre show is officially the most successful work of art in history, in any medium (which means it’s far bigger than any singer or film, ever). DuPreez feels that the miracle of Disney’s success is that, for almost 100 years now, it has changed people’s lives with positive, constructive and healthy content. Come experience your favourite childhood memories in a whole new way with world-class piano interpretations and storytelling, including “Circle Of Life” (The Lion King), “Let It Go” (Frozen), “A Whole New World” (Aladdin) and many more.

Genre (lys soveel toepaslik)/ Genre (list as many as applicable) Musical, Kontemporêr, Klassiek, Storievertelling, Familie-vermaak
Musikale-regisseur / Musical director DuPreez Strauss
Tale / Languages: Afrikaans
Tydsduur / Running time: 70min


DROOMLAND - Solo-KlavierKonsert